Product Information
1864 New York Copper Knuckles- 100% Solid - Exclusive!

1864 New York Copper Knuckles- 100% Solid - Exclusive!

You'll Swear These Knuckles Are 150 Years Old!   Exclusively from The Brass Knuckles...

Authentically awesome! 5
By Graham on
Straight out of the box they make a beautiful paper weight. They look like (I would imagine) any original "attitude adjusters" would have looked when handed out. However, spend about 30 to 45 minutes with some 80 grit, then 150, then 600 or higher sandpaper, and you get something that looks, and feels, like a well worn (and used) piece of history. A little effort turns them from decorative, to useful. I wish I could say I would buy another pair... but (outside of losing them) I know these will still look fantastic well beyond my own expiration date. My son, or his, "might" have to find a replacement. But I doubt it!
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