Product Information
Stealth Knuckles™ - 100% Non-Metal

Stealth Knuckles™ - 100% Non-Metal

We now offer custom engraved brass knuckles for just $89 each. Hard Plastic Knuckles - 100% Non-Metal A Brass...

Great knuckles but 5
By Thomas A Predey on
I really like these knuckles and I get thru metal detectors no problem...I always have a set with me in my pocket when I’m walking around strangers in my MAGA face mask, cap, or can understand why...anyone makes a move at me, they get knuckles to the head...hope it never happens, only issue is that they’re tight on my knuckles (I wear XXL gloves). It should be good size for most people but I wish you guys offered a larger size too.
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